Saturday, October 28, 2006

From the archives...

I was going through some boxes in my basement and I found this:

FALCONS - by George Lee (artwork by talented friend)

Falcons RAWK. They fly around and eat other animals all day. They make loud screeching noises when they're mad (which is all the time). When a falcon is REALLY mad it will puke bones and feathers in your face. A fully grown falcon is 5x stronger than your dad and 10x meaner (Never hide your report card from a falcon. This makes them truly furious!). I love falcon with all of my heart.

The End


Ryan Bullard said...

Hahaha! Archives my ass, you just did this yesterday!

Anonymous said...

this makes them truly furious.
hahahaha! i love it.

ps. who did that artwork? it looks like it was made in paint by a person who doesn't really know what hawks look like, and who had to look up pictures on the internet for reference... it sorta looks like that. ;)

Patty said...

lmao Awesome. I'd buy that.