Sunday, October 08, 2006

Potluck Politics

Overheard at a recent potluck:
"He brought cups the last time. Frickin' Cup Man."
"Hrmmph. Going back for thirds... And she only brought carrots and dip."
"Those temps shouldn't be here. They only contributed $5 each... For Popeyes' chicken."

I whipped off the poster on the right for an office raffle held on Friday. I'd originally planned on drawing a poster, but years of disuse have left my drawing arm weak and withered. I got most of the images from PastPresent Gallery. "Happiness for Sale" is from a real Westinghouse ad that ran in 1938. I guess those were happier times... Beyond the camp value, the gallery has some great reference material.

I entered the raffle and won the Musical Recliner named on the poster. I entered the raffle with the express purpose of getting the chair. I proud to say that I won it out of spite. My friend kept talking about how hideous and absurd the recliner was, so I was determined to win it, and win it I did. She was thoroughly disgusted. When I get a digital camera, I will post pictures of the abomination.

Saw The Departed on Friday. Scorsese was in fine form, and I definitely prefer his version over Infernal Affairs. All of the principal performances were great and the final bloodbath was wonderful. Definitely worth a look if you like Scorsese's gangster films.

And now for a Bollywood Intermission...


Anonymous said...

wow, harsh. potluck snobs!

congrats on the big win. i wanna see!

Ryan Bullard said...

Your work buddies sound bitter. Nice cop-out on the poster. You could have impressed your friends, become a hero, and maybe they wouldn't have been in such a rotten mood.