Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Even Monsters Get The Blues

What keeps monsters awake at night? Baby Hitlers on the prowl, if this drawing is any indication. Also, the pain of having clumsy hands which defy good anatomical taste, and a lack of legs.

This assignment was for Foundation Colour. It was done in gouache, and the assignment stipulated that we had to make use of all the primary, secondary and tertiary colours (hence the garish colour choices). We were required to derive all the secondary and tertiary colours using only the primary ones - hence the terrible red violet comforter.


Lubomir said...

I am so glad to see you arting again. It is SO good to art ALL the time. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but but nevertheless ALL the time more or less.

I love the content of this piece and the two lovely lady drawings. Your stuff indicates that you heavily involve yourself in them. Excellent GEORGE! GEORGE!

Come to think of it, your name may be stranger than mine.

Epistrophie said...

Thanks Lubomir. It's good to be arting again. I might not be animator material, but I think I can make a go of this and find work in another creative field.

Did you keep your beard? I gave up on my sleazy asian look.